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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Towards a General Model of Thought and Behavior. Part 2: Inherentcy and The Necessity of Error in Perpsective and Illusion.

For both art and life depend wholly on the laws of
optics, on perspective and illusion; both, to be blunt, depend
on the necessity of error. (Nietzsche 10)
 Redefinition of Error
From a moral skeptic foundation (Nietzsche 1897, Richard Joyce 2001) the general concept of error as a mistake, I argue, is faulty in that the general definition does not keep on line with established philosophical traditions (Nietzsche 1897:Popper 2003).:  Error, I argue, is not mistake per se,  it is the inevitable discontinuation of momentum evident in a given system in one direction, in lieu of another.
"Synthesis therefore brings things into consciousness, making it possible for us to subsequently recognize that our consciousness exists and that there are things in it. Hume had described the result as "something betwixt unity and number," since it is paradoxically one thing and many things all at the same time."  (http://www.friesian.com/kant.htm#synthetic)  In other words, far from being a mistake, Error, I argue, is an integral part of thought and behavior.
In terms of the Second Law of Thermodynamics as further demonstration: 
If there is no net change in the state inside the isolated system then  ΔS = 0.  This then is the thermodynamic criterion for equilibrium .
Inside an isolated system, in order for a process to proceed, Δ S > 0.  Such a process is said to be spontaneous.  A process for which ΔS < 0 is called non-spontaneous and is impossible for an isolated system. (http://www.genchem.net/thermo/laws.html)
Thus, in our concept of Error , error is not necessarily a mistake.  It is in fact and consequence,  any act that alters the existing direction of continuity. As the fundamental element of inherentcy, error is the sole vehicle by which non reality becomes interpretable as that quantity we generalize as "real." 
The Argument for Inherentcy as a result of this inevitable abrogation of  Kant's concept of synthesis as well as Hegel's non confrontation of the subsequent natural asymmetry inherent in this approach lends credibility to our overall emphasis that the "necessity of error in perspective and illusion," a reworking of the Nietzschean  The Birth of Tragedy corollary, establishes, for our argument, a firm foundation for developing and discussing the implications this line of reasoning has for our larger discussion regarding the nature of a General Model of Thought and Behavior.

So, in conclusion,  we can claim, based on our reformulation of  Hegel's concept of synthesis in light of  our re-understanding of the Second law of Thermodynamics in direct relation to Asymmetric Information
 our argument thus far implies an equilibrium which, for the purposes of our argument, involves a condition of inherent nature in a given system.
Furthermore,  that inherent condition of equilibrium, implies, not only a prevalence of inherent error in a given system, but that inherentcy of error is also necessary according to the Second law of Thermodynamics.
Moreover, this inherentcy of error, as a discontinuation of established course of action, is a natural and necessary occurrence in an overall understanding of a coherence in a given system.

In addition, our Nietzschean claim of there being a Necessity of Error in Perspective and Illusion also implies that, in relation to our previous assertions on this idea, that the formulation of Subject as Entity, is indeed a workable and tenable point from which we can further develop the discussion of Subject and Object Interposition,
That;s enough for now, We'll pick up the discussion at that point in then next post.
Thank you, and have a good Holidays.

Ann Arbor.

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