Today we breathe and sigh once more, did the miracle happen?
How can we be sure? How can our skeptical loose cannon wit aim
for a vapor, a whisp of subjectivity and a smug shrug of :
"So who pays for it?"and is it worth it? How much then oh
all ye exalted ones who sit on most high
How much is worth to find the hidden cancer of
an American with no money before
they die? How much is it worth to make sure
all children and adults can read and write?
Wouldn't it be cheaper if
people did not exist?
And all ye who sit so safe and secure
at the right hand of the most high
how much is it worth to train an unemployed
auto worker who probably lives or did live
in Michigan? How much is it worth to give
Doctors a fair shake to give school kids promised
a future something more than a fart
in the wind? Maybe it would be cheaper if
people did not exist?
Maybe it would be cheaper if
there were no Bills, no evil boogie bad guy allegories no
topsy turvy rollercoaster lullaby reasons recalling our
fear and nightmares when our towers
fell and we needed a hero to save us from
the heathen darkness. But
how much is a world without fear worth?
A world without "Truth" spelled with a Capital "T"
and conformity was more than a stock
option or a billionaire's boy's club bailout?
What would the cost actually be if
Human Rights were no longer this year's hot
debate resolution and became
almost as if by magic something as simple
Oh all ye exalted ones who sit
at the right hand of the most high,
I was once sitting in the seat you have grown
so comfortable in and I
know that for
those who sit at the right hand of
any divinity
pride does indeed cometh
before the fall.
Did the miracle happen?
Corin Wagen defends Leviticus (from my email)
In your recent conversation with Misha Saul, you and Misha discussed your
joint dislike for Leviticus. I can’t say that I find Leviticus a
page-turner, b...
10 hours ago