All life, organic and inorganic is the joint, direct and inverse result of its own inherent system of control. Control, as we generally understand the term is not always about dominance of weak over strong, good versus evil or sense versus nonsense. Control used in the context of this discussion refers to the range of expression from energy or matter interposition to the hierarchical text of energy and matter integration in terms of perspective and illusion.
Control, thus originates as that capacity which is inherent in a given system.
2.12 A picture is a model of reality.The Picture Wittgenstein describes later in his Philosophical Investigations (
2.141 A picture is a fact.
2.172 A picture cannot depict its pictorial form: it displays it.
2.19 Logical pictures can depict the world. (Ludwig Wittgenstein---Tractatus Logico-Philosphicus)
as the "essence of human language." (9) is indeed a profound and brilliant statement that he successfully develops and defends throughout his later arguments. Yet, I argue we can further.
Getting back to our first statement regarding control, in my work thus far I have maintained that all thought and behavior is a fundamental result of subject object integration primarily: that which is, in joint, direct and inverse relation to that which is not when both capacities are bound by a third element neither one is, yet both contain.
For example (-1 0 1) describes just such a basic system. Both -1 and 1 are bound by the 0, yet since neither number over 0 is defined, while 0 over either is, the statement, therefore is true.
However, the implications of this picture as a fundamental model of an inherent reality are not clear until we apply the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics which states that:
To clarify the above picture sentence further, the zeroth law also implies that since, a field is defined as any given three points in a plane that share at least one common vertice, and according to the Second Thermodynamic Law corollary of deforming potential, not only do we exchange the energy of heat as our universal currency, we form relationships, navigate our way around and through problems, live, laugh and dream based on what we realize we give up as much as on what we believe we gain.
Language as we generally understand the term to mean is more than a tool we use to record our non verbal experiences of this initial exchange of heat energy. The system of language is how we control the variability of inherent control first facilitated by the exchange of heat energy relative to all our life processes.
Wittgenstein was basically right in his assertion regarding the importance of language to our general understanding of meaning. But in resolving the issues of meaning and of mind, I argue that the basic exchange of energy and matter which first governs our biological processes, is also a language we all speak fluently whether we use words or not.
Yet, having said all of this the question remains: does an understanding of Inherentcy resolve the fundamental rift between "meaning" and "mind?"
Probably not, but it is a start
In upcoming posts we will explore the resolutions to that question in depth.
Thank you and enjoy your holidays.
A Few Words from
However, the implications of this picture as a fundamental model of an inherent reality are not clear until we apply the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics which states that:
...if two objects, objects a and b, are both in thermal equilibrium with object c, then objects a and b are in thermal equilibrium with each other. This law is analogous to the basic rule in algebra that if a=c and b=c, then a=b.In other words, for any given system, inherency of that system as "first order control" exists as a result of an exchange of energy, in this case: an exchange of heat energy. Although all human beings do not share the same body temperature, we do share the same range of heat index. In fact, all matter and energy essentially exists and non exists in relative degrees of heat. Heat and the exchange of heat, therefore, is the most basic form of language there is.
To clarify the above picture sentence further, the zeroth law also implies that since, a field is defined as any given three points in a plane that share at least one common vertice, and according to the Second Thermodynamic Law corollary of deforming potential, not only do we exchange the energy of heat as our universal currency, we form relationships, navigate our way around and through problems, live, laugh and dream based on what we realize we give up as much as on what we believe we gain.
Language as we generally understand the term to mean is more than a tool we use to record our non verbal experiences of this initial exchange of heat energy. The system of language is how we control the variability of inherent control first facilitated by the exchange of heat energy relative to all our life processes.
Wittgenstein was basically right in his assertion regarding the importance of language to our general understanding of meaning. But in resolving the issues of meaning and of mind, I argue that the basic exchange of energy and matter which first governs our biological processes, is also a language we all speak fluently whether we use words or not.
Yet, having said all of this the question remains: does an understanding of Inherentcy resolve the fundamental rift between "meaning" and "mind?"
Probably not, but it is a start
In upcoming posts we will explore the resolutions to that question in depth.
Thank you and enjoy your holidays.
A Few Words from
Tom K
Ann Arbor
from this side...